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clan Tree Tag Grand Master T2GM
Jokes: FRIENDLY MATCH vs MALAY superhero 2009-10-03
OK. Enough is enough.... lama-lama enek juga ngomongin BEDIL/MARLBORO or whatever nick name you are using.... if anyone ask my opinion, vonis g dua-duanya pake cheat. So don't ever ask me again, because I have no further comments. Buktinya is too damn obvious kalo yg lain can't see it. For BEDIL/MARLBORO, you are welcome to stay here asal you can behave. G akui skill lo jago banget, tanpa cheat pun you can beat them easily. MimiHitam (yg menurut gua skillnya satu level sama lo) aja bukti nyata player pro yang sering nge-kalahin gua, kopi, dan player2 dewa lainnya tanpa pernah menggunakan cheat. Tp if you want to use the cheat terus, it's up to u. Dan kalo smp gua main brg lo, it would be my pleasure to play with you.

So apa kabarnya neh tim malay? Gak ada update lagi about the match? Are we still on with the friendly match, Rylln?

Ayo dong, jgn gara2 gak ada kasus, ini website jadi sepi ^_^


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