pertanyaan tangan setan? |
rosedragon |
2006-10-18 |
>maksudna The file's dimensions exceeded the maximum of 150 x 150. apa si <
Di world editor? Mungkin itu artinya mapnya di protect ;p | Comments: 1
pertanyaan tangan setan? (rosedragon)
- superhero, itu message kalo lo upload avatar/photo disini kan? maksudnya jgn gede2 taro gambar, ntar orang2 bisa kabur ngeliatnya... ukuran yg normal2 aja below 150 x 150 pixels
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MimiHitam |
2006-10-18 |
^_^ makaci ya cc rosiana ^_^
senang main tanpa eror2 cunguk itu
lalalallala | Comments: 1
BYE FATAL EROR BYE RESTART NDIRI makasi cc rose ^_^ (MimiHitam)
- rosedragon, lho lho?
dah ketauan masalah komputelnya? knp tuh komputel mu? kebanyakan diputel putel?
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ehem ehem... uhuk uhuk........ dngerin gw nanyi ya.. |
Tangan_setan5 |
2006-10-18 |
lay lay lay lay lay lay layy... panggil aku si jablay ;)... abang jarang pulangg... aku jarang di belai... lay lay lay lay lay layy.... panggil aku si jablay.. abang jarang pulang aku jarang di sodoq... lay lay lay lay lay lay... panggil aku si jablay.. abang jarang pulang uang ga datang pulang..
| Comments: 2
ehem ehem... uhuk uhuk........ dngerin gw nanyi ya.. (Tangan_setan5)
- V-o-D-k-a, *#@&@*)!_*#))! wahhh denger loe nyanyi komp gw langsung keluar tanda2 misterius neh#!@&(&()@!()!()!()*()!( errorrr..*(^*(*!(!)><>::!::
- MimiHitam, aduh gelas kimiaku buat ramuan pecah smua kk hentiin nyanyiannya T_T
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map editing START ^_^ |
rosedragon |
2006-10-17 |
Dah dapat izin dr ralle, walau dia bersikeras menyembunyikan trigger2nya (ga ngaruh seh, nie gw lg bukan tree tag 5.13 pake crack + gw blom ngerti scripting map warcraft)
Ide pertama gw nie petanya ada SEMBILAN pulau, yap jd lbh susah ya infernal nangkapnya.. tapi dgn rugi buat ent ga isa bikin mass basic.
Klo ada saran, termasuk misalnya ability2 diubah keq apa keq.. bilang aja. Kalo gw ga isa usahain, ntar gw usulin ke ralle.
Arutema | Comments: 9
map editing START ^_^ (rosedragon)
- Luisa, wew jd kyk battleship. heheh. setuju sama grand. i luvvv basic ^^
klo soal fountain mana jgn deh, gw ngerasa udh balance sih. bukan tree tag namanya lama2. - Grandcoast, Nooooooo MASSS BASICCC JANGAN DI HILANGKANNN!itu adalah darah daging seorang ent pro.Buat fountain boleh tuh,tp bs gak infernal dibikin bisa summon apalah gitu buat hunting di deep water,di deep water ent cuma bs pake kapal..boleh tuh cop nya di kuatin jg boleh
- MimiHitam, ferthy? NGACO!
- rosedragon, ferthy, gw bikinnnya dr yg 5.13 bukan dr 1.00 ralle...........
- MimiHitam, saran mungkin ada kk
- harga hero dinaikin mahal2an
- no bug plz ^_^
- kok ga bisa mass T.T
- ada anti mh ga?
- ent tracker jgn diadain kk
- yg wajar ya kk, jgn ampe poon tumbuh di sungai lagi kan aneh
- klo quit his gold distributed to its ally ajah ^_^
- haram jangan diilangin plz ^^ it's part of my life
- ada fountain of mana saya saranin, biar infernya rada gampangan dalam mana
-gimana klo ada danau? entnya bisa bikin shipyard lari pake itu. trus klo infer dah ada shipyardnya ndiri......... wkwk perang laud jadinya - MimiHitam, kk bikin map mimi vs gober ^_^ ato mimi dan abrazellla ^_^
- MimiHitam, AQ DAH COBA ^_^
- rosedragon, soal anti MH, ini gw lg mo cobain MH dulu biar tau cara kerjanya.
- M0rph3u5, Nah wa kan sering main Burnin jadi wa ngerti tentang status Burnin.... nah sebenarnya burnin itu type Inteligent bukan tipe Str dan si Blaze Type Str bukan Inteligent.... Dan Si pyra Emang sudah betul jadi gak usah diediet lagi....
nah coba kita pikirin apa betul blaze type inteligent? sedangkan si blaze jarang ada skill yang mendukung.... sedangkan burnin perlu banyak mana untuk mengeluarkan wavenya.... nah kalo si pyra wa dari dulu pakai keknya gak ada masalah.... terus.... bikin 1 lagi.... anti map hack biar semuanya bisa main dgn tenang tanpa ada MH.... gmn? setuju gak??
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kok tulisan wa jadi aneh gitu?? |
M0rph3u5 |
2006-10-17 |
super kok tulisan wa jadi aneh kek gitu??? tanya kenapa? wa sendiri jadi bingung baca nya .... zzzzzz | Comments: 0
kok tulisan wa jadi aneh gitu?? (M0rph3u5)
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T i d u r A p a T i d u r Y a c h ? |
M0rph3u5 |
2006-10-17 |
A l l w a m u n g k i n a k a n o f f
s e l a m a 4 h a r i s a m p a i 7 h a r i . . . . s o a l n y a m a o j a l a n - j a l a n k e B A T A M d a n w a g a k t a o
w a r n e t d i B A T A M d e k a t m a n a . . . . j a d i w a m u n g k i n g a k o l s e l a m a h a r i h a r i i t u Y A N G M A I N D E K A T B A T A M H U B U N G I N W A Y A C H N O H P 0 8 5 6 6 5 5 4 4 7 4 | Comments: 2
T i d u r A p a T i d u r Y a c h ? (M0rph3u5)
- M0rph3u5, ada setiap malam lagi....
- MimiHitam, btw kk ving ada penelpon misterius ga ^_^
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satu lg ttg MH |
rosedragon |
2006-10-16 |
Kalo gw ada programnya, sapa yg bersedia dan memiliki skill untuk mencoba bikin antinya? :) :) :)
Ato ada saran bagi penemuan ini? GG | Comments: 4
satu lg ttg MH (rosedragon)
- rosedragon, nyerah nyari loader pvpgn agar mhnya isa jalan. males ngabisin lbh dr 1/2 jam cuma buat nyari ginian GG.
Yg pasti dr forum2 game-hack ada fakta menyakitkan kalau custom game ga isa detek cheat2 spt mh.. hanya ladder game (di official blizzard server) yg isa detek cheat dlm 3 detik... - rosedragon, that is... what actually MH can do....
- superhero, whatdehellisdis?
- rosedragon, 1.0 - WARNING
Select Units "Clickable"
All manipulate clicks in game are recorded in the replay.
A click outside your field of vision can confirm MapHack use.
All trade resource in game are recorded in the replay.
A not normal trade (trade < 100 or trade to other player in block trade map) can confirm
TradeAmountHack use.
BattleNet ( Ladder )
Use MapHack in Ladder Game will be detected automatically to each 3 second. No time
during all Ladder Game you can use MapHack without risk.
Then don't use MapHack in Ladder Game in BattleNet.
Don't forget turn off your MapHack if you want play Ladder Game. If not, atfer the first
second game start it is already too late.
BattleNet ( Custom )
Use MapHack in Custom Game is safe, but could be risked if BattleNet add dectection on
Custom Game.
Use MapHack in Custom Game at your own risk.
Fog of War (MainMap) "Remove"
If enabled it removes the Fog of War on the full map.
Fog of War (MainMap) "Players"
If enabled it removes the Fog of War where players selected are on the full map.
Fog of War (MainMap) "Inverse"
If enabled it inverse the Fog of War location on the full map.
Fog of War (MainMap) "Fog"
If enabled it change the Fog of War in Gray Fog War on the full map.
Fog of War (MainMap) "Dark"
If enabled it change the Fog of War in Dark Fog War on the full map.
View Units (MainMap)
Lets you see units and buildings on the full map.
Foot Print (MainMap)
Lets you see foot print on the full map.
Missile (MainMap)
Lets you see missile attack on the full map.
Dead (MainMap)
Lets you see dead animation on the full map.
Select Units (MainMap) "Hp/Name"
Lets you see Hp/Name on the full map.
Select Units (MainMap) "Clickable"
If enabled this lets you click on enemy units on the map.
Reveal Invisible (MainMap)
Lets you see invisible unit on the full map.
Reveal Illusion (MainMap)
Lets you see illusion unit on the full map.
Sound (MainMap)
Lets you listen everywhere on the map.
GFX (MainMap)
Lets you see tome/chest/rune and GFX on the full map.
Fog of War (MiniMap) "Remove"
If enabled it removes fog of war on the minimap only.
Fog of War (MiniMap) "Players"
If enabled it removes the Fog of War where players selected are on the minimap only.
View Units (MiniMap)
Lets you see units and buildings on the minimap only.
Reveal Invisible (MiniMap)
Lets you see invisible unit on the minimap only.
Ping Signal (MiniMap)
Lets you see ennemy ping signal on the minimap.
Ping Advisor (MiniMap)
Lets you see ennemy ping advisor on the minimap.
Undead Blight (MainMap / MiniMap)
Lets you see undead blight.
If enabled it bypass the block trade feature on CustomGame.
Small Box
This number is your normal amount trade.
Large Box
This number is your big amount trade. ( You can use it with Ctrl-Click )
If enabled it change camera setting by your own number.
Is the distance between the camera and the unit.
Is the Angle of Attack, can be set between 0 to 360.
Is the rotation angle, center number is default, left and right can be select with (Insert /
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Is the 6 camera setting, can be select with Scroll Mouse or (PageUp / PageDown)
3.0 - ERROR / BUG
Creep Circles
When you toggle the maphack the creep circles color (green, red, orange) will disappear
because when you see the creeps or the area around them they become disabled.
Game Error
The program not found your Warcraft III application, open your Warcraft 3.
PID Error
The program cannot open Warcraft III process, if you are in Window NT system you need be admin right, or you need use loader for remove Warcraft 3 Protection.
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M0rph3u5 |
2006-10-16 |
:p :s
Super.... ini yang di Edit Profile account name nya bisa di edit donk wa kan nak ganti Nick Jadi VinGzZz
soalnya ID m0rph3u5 wa wa lupa pass nya
:$ :p | Comments: 0
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MimiHitam |
2006-10-16 |
MimiHitam: michael, kamu curi pensilku ya?
MimiHitam: orang meksiko bilang adios
V-o-D-k-a: saya curi pulpen bukan pensil....
MimiHitam: kamu curi pensilku ya?
Luisa: buat mumu apa sih yg enggak. ;p
MimiHitam: samuel santoso, kamu curi pensilku ya?
intermu: Kalo yg laen feeling left out, liat tuh msg board, yg kemaren2 -_-
intermu: Pergi~ luisa kalo lg gak ada kerjaan scramble ku gg (cuma becanda, gak mau dibilang "wah parah lu suruh2 org")
intermu: Jayus. Dah garing. Hus2 | Comments: 0
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Look at yourself before looking at others.. |
MimiHitam |
2006-10-16 |
Look at yourself before looking at others.. | Comments: 0
Look at yourself before looking at others.. (MimiHitam)
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Isi Poll dari pertanyaan "Hwaaaa homoan ama sapa?" |
Flamedr460n |
2006-10-16 |
Hwaaa homoan ama [i]sle anak T2GM kalo ga salah...gw iseng nge whois si hwaaa...rupa na ada di canel "cinta"
terus gw join canel cinta itu...ehh rupa na ada si [i]sle...
gw masuk langsung di kick ama TEMP OP na (hwaa ato ga [i]sle) gw masuk lg di kik terus ...
itu bukti na
| Comments: 5
Isi Poll dari pertanyaan "Hwaaaa homoan ama sapa?" (Flamedr460n)
- V-o-D-k-a, Udah Jelas sekarang ternyata yg namanya JOVIAN JOHNY itu pantes dapat gelar HOMO KESEPIAN !!!
- MimiHitam, (^^)
- MimiHitam, michael, kamu curi pensilku ya?
- MimiHitam, buktinya
waktu gw masi pake sifu
michael dan johny di chanel "kami lagi pacaran awas klo ganggu"
wa masuk dikatain fak trus dikick :p
P.S. maaf klo menghina - MimiHitam, bukannya hwaaa homoannya ama michael :p
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Ampoen..... ;) |
2006-10-15 |
;) ;)
Kosong kan......
^_^ | Comments: 3
Ampoen..... ;) (SHHN_VENGE)
MimiHitam: michael, kamu curi pensilku ya?
MimiHitam: orang meksiko bilang adios
V-o-D-k-a: saya curi pulpen bukan pensil....
MimiHitam: kamu curi pensilku ya?
Luisa: buat mumu apa sih yg enggak. ;p
MimiHitam: samuel santoso, kamu curi pensilku ya?
intermu: Kalo yg laen feeling left out, liat tuh msg board, yg kemaren2 -_-
intermu: Pergi~ luisa kalo lg gak ada kerjaan scramble ku gg (cuma becanda, gak mau dibilang "wah parah lu suruh2 org")
intermu: Jayus. Dah garing. Hus2 - MimiHitam, hai junkers kamu curi pensilku ya?
- V-o-D-k-a, darepada loe nge flood mending GB RAN gwa...!!!
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Tanya Kenapa? |
M0rph3u5 |
2006-10-15 |
Kok gak bisa pos yach? padahal wa lagi mao berbuat baik postin WCG dota 2006..... | Comments: 0
Tanya Kenapa? (M0rph3u5)
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Best Time |
superhero |
2006-10-15 |
Best Time yg pertama udah dipost, bisa liat di bagian replay. Best Time adalah 12:59, pasangan infernal: Burnin (superhero), Pyra (Luisa), Blaze (KsatriaKopi). Ent terdiri dari 8 anggota clan dan 1 non-anggota. Kalo ada clan war lagi yg bisa ngalahin waktu di atas, harap diposting: best time brp, replaynya, infernalnya sapa, anggota clan brp orang. | Comments: 0
Best Time (superhero)
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Need Help Donk.... |
M0rph3u5 |
2006-10-15 |
All, wa perlu saran atau kritikan dari kalian... soalnya wa lagi jatuh cinta.... heheheh.... begini.... kemarin wa kan nembak tuh cewek.... abis tuh dia bilang dia mao jadi pacar wa asal wa kasih dia 3 bukti ke dia.... jadi... wa mao saran dan kritikan dari kalian... tolong yach bantuin wa ^^ ;) | Comments: 11
Need Help Donk.... (M0rph3u5)
- superhero, just do what i do... follow your heart. not your lust.
- superhero, do you really love her? i am surprise, you cannot think even of 3 things only. i could have come out with thousands of ways to show her how much she meant to me.
- M0rph3u5, of course wa serius donk ma dia kalo gk ngapain wa tanyain kalian ^^
- Luisa, i agree with grand. gw diem2 aja karena gw ngerasa cinta adalah sesuatu yg akan terbukti sendiri.
- V-o-D-k-a, Gak ngerti yg ginian Gw mah...
- Grandcoast, hmm pertama gw tanya..u SERIUS GAK?serius u suka dia...kalo iya baru deh
Love is not something which need proof
Cause it is deep inside your heart
He/she will come by his/her own when the time come
Cuase Love will always there
Ikuti kata hati u...cinta sebenarnya gak butuh bukti..ikutin perasaan u kedia..pasti dia bisa ngerti - M0rph3u5, maksudnya dia suruh wa buktiin kalo emang wa suka sama dia.... but dia gak akan kasih wa batas waktu untuk ngebuktiin ke dia dan bukti itu wa kasih dia sendiri bukan dia yang kasih.... jadi wa need bantuan dari kalian semua yach.... plzzz help me....
- rosedragon, 1. isi hati loe
2. niat loe
3. janji loe - superhero, maksudnya dia demand buktinya ... ato lo disuruh inisiatif utk membuktikan?
- M0rph3u5, bukti kalo wa suka sama dia.... tolong bantuin wa yach....
- MimiHitam, bukti apa vin bukti kejahatan?
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Download Map: Tree Tag Ashenvale - by KsatriaKOPI - |
Download Map: Hatchling Tag - by Rosedragon - |
Download Map: Galaksin - by MimiHitam - |
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