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The path to be a super-ENT superhero 2006-08-02
Although for some people (which i happened to know who), begin their quests as tree tag lover by playing infernals, for most people, they learn to become a super-ENT, before learning to become a super-COP. So here is your path to become a one super-ENT:

1. Playing build and get rich.
This is the standar style of playing ent. You build fast, and get rich fast. But try not to focus on the money itself. Once you have enough money, then build barrack as quickly as possible. Don't wait until you are the last ent standing. By that time, it will be difficult for you to dodge the infernals pursue. Try to spread your farm accross the map, so it will be harder for the infernals to guest where your ent is. Build invisible tree and make yourself invisible before moving around the map. Also build tree of life and learn true sight skill. This is very important when you move accross the map, so you know where the sentry ward lies.

NEW TIP: I never mention how to build fast before. Here it is how: (thanks to KsatriaKOPI for giving this idea) the most important in building fast is the sequence of build. First, build 4 farms, then upgrade to greater resource farm at least 3 of them. After that, build barrack, build trapper, build aura tree to fill up the trappers mana (don't forget to turn on automatic mana restoration skill of the aura tree). With at least 5 trappers, go and rescue your captured commerates. You should be able to do all of these in less than the first 10 minutes, if more, then you are not doing it right. At this time, the infernal probably would only have 1 Neclace of Spell Immunity, that means, find the other 2 infernals and trap them. You do this, then the end for infernals, because only 1 can move around (the 1 with Neclace of Spell Immunity). You could rescue your friend, or whatever cos you own the game now. For example, see the replay section with the title of: Example of how to build fast (Thx to KsatriaKOPI for the trick), submitted by superhero.

2. Playing massive basic tree.
Basic tree can be build without any cost. This gives certain advantages to the ent. You can block the paths with massive basic tree. This will give infernals a hard time to unblock their paths, which can give some extra time to your ent commerades to build fast and get rich. The lesson in massive basic tree is that you can't do it halfway. It will only give the infernal a quick level up. If you do decide to go massive basic tree, then do it all the way to the end of the game. Try to hide some of your farms while doing massive basic tree. So that you can get rich as well. Once you are rich, build tree of life and use advanced builder to substitute your real ent to go crazy with massive basic tree.

NEW TIP: the idea of using basic tree is to know exactly where the infernals, because they will be busy cutting down your basic tree. So here is a funny trick, when the infernal cut down the basic, you quickly replace them. So you move around and like playing head and tails with the infernal. Build sentry tower at intersection (if you have money), this way you will know which intersection has sentry ward.

3. Playing hide and seek.
Againts super-COPs, sometimes you just need to hide and never build anything. Find yourself a nice hiding place, and stay there till the rest of 30 minutes is over. If you have good ent commerates, you might get lucky and not being discovered until the end of the game. However, if you are unlucky and by 10 minutes, all the ents have been killed, and you are the last ent standing, then ... start praying. Because it's a very little chance that super-COPs will not be able to find your hiding place, giving them the time of 20 minutes to search the entire map. So using this trick against super-COP is not recommended.

Click here to see all the best spots for ent to hide!

Some basic strategies:
1. When you are hiding, it's best not to build anything, including invisible tree, because they can be detected either using sentry ward, gem of true sight, or demon scout.
2. When you are being pursued, try to block the road with basic tree, or even better invisible tree to slow them down.
3. Make your paths between trees, it will be a good escape route when the situation get hot.
4. Remember that sentry ward, demon scout, gem of true sight cannot penetrate even a single tree, just to find your ent. They can penetrate, however, all types of your buildings.
5. Get your hands ready for blink short cut (T). Whenever you feel there's danger, always blink. Especially if you got revealed by Crystal Ball and there's Burnin besides you, quickly blink, otherwise you will end up kissing with the sweet and tenderness light coming out of Burnin shockwave.
6. Your ent can get into tanks and escape with it. Tank can hide inside other tank, and then hide it inside another tank and so on. There's no limit how many tanks can be hide inside another tank. (thanks to Cel for experimenting with it).
7. When you are short of money, build one traper, make it invisible, and try to rescue your commerates. If you have more money, build trapper also, to slow the infernal down. If you have enough money, build lots of tree fighter, they can certainly slow infernal down. Massive tree fighters can give a headache to the infernal.
8. Trapper and Nature Lover (regrow tree) can be a deathly combination to infernal that has not get Neclace of Spell Immunity. In fact they can hold the infernal until the end of the game.
9. Tree Fighter and Nature Lover (regrow tree) can be a deathly combination because Tree Fighter has skills to summon another tree fighters, then use the regrow tree from Nature Lover skill. With this trick, you can multiply the number of soldiers fast.
10. For me, always choose purple color ent for it is more difficult to see in the map.
11. Try to put your ent as far away from all your buildings. This will give you sometime to escape when your buildings are discovered.

Comments: 14

The path to be a super-ENT (superhero)

  • Sirako, Walah2 Kopi sampe Ol pake Sea Bird >.< my Master >.<
  • reb3llist, g guide, gara2 ini maen gw mendingan (sejak 2005-2006an) gak tau ada komen box ternyata
  • MimiHitam, well, gw ama luisa lagi buat yg replay

    ada bbrp yg butuh infer, ada yg mo support
  • superhero, buat sendiri koq, dibantu sama anak2 clan juga utk ide2nya yg cemerlang
  • MimiHitam, aduh sori salah kk super soal comment superhero, did you copy it from somewhere else??
    or you made it by your self, didn't you?

    wa salah artiin ^_^

    nice guide super
  • MimiHitam, superhero, did you copy it from somewhere else??
    or you made it by your self, didn't you?
  • superhero, wah, ada yg minat jadi translator gak? my suggestion is waktu baca guide kudu prepare kamus di samping meja ^_^
  • Luisa, hero akhir2 ini anak2 di luar clan nanya2 soal guide. katanya ada gak yg bahasa indonesia. hahaha.
  • KsatriaKOPI, nah lhooo double edged sword ya ^^, balik lage ke cepatan tangan, logika ama feeling hahahahah ce yaaa mau ngopi dulue.
  • ShurTuGal_xXx, Huhuhu... ide hero ide mulia buat masyarakat 3taggers... tapi buat klan... jadi double-edged sword...
  • Luisa, kyknya kedepan2 bakal susah jd infernal.
    considering this web is open for public.
  • ShurTuGal_xXx, WEw... i thought umbody else hav sent a useful comment... but, look, what we hav here is the developer...*sigh* then i shall say: Horay It's OK to get number two... =p

    wow... this web is great...GJ ^ ^
  • superhero, Horray, no 1. again.

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The path to be a super-COP superhero 2006-08-02
What matters the most of being an infernal are:

1. Sentry Ward.
This is the most fatal element that would drive how the game will end up for the infernals. Placing sentry ward in an intersection is a must. Try to always put it in higher places. so it can gain broader view of the surroundings. Burn the surroundings of the sentry ward to gain broader view. NEVER PUT SENTRY WARD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD THAT CAN BLOCK YOUR WAY WHEN YOU NEED TO MOVE FORWARD. Put your sentry ward at the side of the road, giving enough space for your infernal to walk along the path.

Click here to see all the best spots for deploying sentry wards!

2. Memorizes all Ent hiding places.
Well, the map is not really that big anyway.

3. Skills (Hero Abilities).

Blaze (agility hero):
Lvl 1. Attribute bonus, this is to level up your state. Your mana will increase and also your strength, so that at level 2, you can cut down a tree with one hit.
Lvl 2. Demon Scout 1. Scout functions like a gem, just run through the paths, and it will reveals any building at the left/right of the demon scout path. Scout can also reveal invisible units.
Lvl 3. Attribute bonus
Lvl 4. Demon Scout 2.
Lvl 5. Attribute bonus
Lvl 6. Fire Swarm. This is the ultimate skill for blaze. Very usefull agains large of enemy's armies.
Lvl 7. Demon Scout 3. Scout level 3 is very powerfull, because it has blink.
Lvl 8. Demon Scout 4. Scout level 4 is even more usefull, because it has 2 demon scouts that can blink.
Lvl 9 and the rest. Attribute bonus

Pyra (intelligent hero):
Lvl 1. Attribute bonus, this is to level up your state. Your mana will increase and also your strength, so that at level 2, you can cut down a tree with one hit.
Lvl 2. Lightning Trap 1. Use this skill only when necessary, because kill an Ent using this skill will give you little exp than if you hit the ent directly.
Lvl 3. Lightning Trap 2.
Lvl 4. Lightning Trap 3. This is as far as you go. Lighting Trap 4 is not worth the effort to get it.
Lvl 5. Demon Scout 1.
Lvl 6. Nuclear Explotion. This is the ultimate skill for Pyra. Very usefull agains large of enemy's armies.
Lvl 7. Demon Scout 2.
Lvl 8. Demon Scout 3. Scout level 3 is very powerfull, because it has blink.
Lvl 9. Demon Scout 4. Scout level 4 is even more usefull, because it has 2 demon scouts that can blink.
Lvl 10 and the rest. Attribute bonus

Burnin (strength hero):
Lvl 1. Shockwave.
Lvl 2. Attribute bonus, this is to level up your state. Your mana will increase and also your strength, so that at level 2, you can cut down a tree with one hit.
Lvl 3. Attribute bonus
Lvl 4. Demon Scout 1. Scout functions like a gem, just run through the paths, and it will reveals any building at the left/right of the demon scout path. Scout can also reveal invisible units.
Lvl 5. Attribute bonus
Lvl 6. Avatar of Fire. This is the ultimate skill for burnin. Very usefull agains large of enemy's armies or massive basic tree.
Lvl 7. Demon Scout 3. Scout level 3 is very powerfull, because it has blink.
Lvl 8. Demon Scout 4. Scout level 4 is even more usefull, because it has 2 demon scouts that can blink.
Lvl 9 and the rest. Attribute bonus

Each infernal has their own main task. Blaze is to guard the captured ents. Pyra with its hugh mana source is a good player to fill the map with lots of sentry ward and perhaps you could set up a trap at certain intersection and hoping ent will pass by through and then bang.... it became ent ash. Last, Burnin will be better off running around the map to catch ents and fill up the central map with ent ashes. It is very crucial that each infernals play by its own role. Only by this, they can achieve victory easily. However, if 1 infernal doesn't understand its role and take up another infernal's role, then the game will be difficult to win for infernal.

Blaze best spot when guarding ent ashes

4. Items.
a. Manual of Health (200 gold), bought at pyromaniac shop. This is to increase your stat, so by level 2, you can chop down tree with 1 hit.
b. Crystal Ball (150 gold), bought at pyromaniac shop. This is to reveal area.
d. Neclace of Spell Immunity (400 gold), bought at lumberjack shop. This is use against trapper.
e. Inferno Stone (500 gold), bought at pyromaniac shop. This usually use to kill ent in higher ground that can't be reached by infernals.
f. Gem of True Seeing (650 gold), bought at lumberjack shop. This is to locate where the ent is hiding and also see invisibility. Just walk around the map, and you'll soon find where the ent hide. This can be replaced by Demon Scout though, which only require mana to summon and you can save your gold for something else.
g. Cloak of Mana Regeneration (750 gold), bought at ultimate item shop or Sobi Mask (400 gold), bought at lumberjack shop. This is to have your mana increase go faster.
h. Burning Archer (325 gold), bought at lumberjack shop. This army is good for guarding ent ash and also pursuing ent.
i. Boots of Speed (150 gold), bought at lumberjack shop. This is to increase your movement speed.

New update is, i switch the priority of items and i just delete Undead Lumberjack (300 gold) from the list, because it so sucks. You need to hit ent twice to kill it, meanwhile, ent can have only 1 hit to kill the undead lumberjack. Meaning, a smart ent, would kill him first, before ent get killed. Inferno Stone, however, turns out to be very usefull, especially against super-ENT with '3 islands trick' (see forum - tips and trick - for detail).

Playing infernal is all about team work. You might want to save some of your golds and give them away to your teammates in order to achieve victory. Don't spend them all on yourself only.

You could explore the possibility of buying other items yourself. But remember, your gold is limited, and you have to make the most use of it. I once, see infernal using invisibility item to make it dissappear and re-appear suddenly next to the end. But i don't think it's worthy, considering you have limited gold.

5. Strategy.
How you play the game is very important. Finding where the Ent hides, would not be difficult if you follow the first four steps. Capturing and killing the ent is another problem you have to deal with. For most novice infernals, they can only find the ent, but would have a very hard time to capture one, especially a super-ENT (describe as above). You need to plan a certain strategy to get them. Here are some:

a. When you open a forest and cut down trees, try to hit it with a (attack) first. and the last tree near the ent burn them with Destroy Trees Skill, that will give the element of surprise if the ent doesn't have sentry tower. Your chances is higher to hit the ent this way.

Surprise Attack

b. For burnin, whenever an Ent is within your line of sight, never hesitate to use shockwave on the Ent, before it blinks and get away.

c. If you are in the situation where: you are near the middle where the ent ash lies and another Ent is trying to rescue their fellow commerates, let the ent frees the commerates first, before you kill the rescuer. This way you will gain more exp and money. However do this only if you are certain you can handle the situation and the rescue attempt will probably fail. In the situation where an Ent managed to escape, let him/her go, your main focus should be guarding the others so they won't be rescued as well. You will easily capture that one Ent again later in the game, but if you insist on catching that one now, you will have difficulties when all the Ents succeed to escape.

d. Kill all the deers in the map whenever you find one. I hate deers for they can block your way when in the middle of an Ent hot pursuit.

e. You cannot hunt down ent in the island at the bottom left and at the top left by yourself. At least 2 infernals have to be dispatched to kill them. And while you at it, put sentry ward at the surroundings before you go in, so that when the ent jump to other places, you will know where it goes.

f. When you find an Ent, try to predict which path it would take in order to escape from you. At that road, put a sentry, that way, the chance of an ent escape from your pursuit will decrease.

g. Against massive basic tree, infernals need to deploy lots of sentry ward, so that, whenever an Ent start its massive basic, infernal can cut down before it became a real problems. Another solution (only apply for Pyra), is to set up a lightning trap at intersections, and hoping some of the ents would go through that path and die.

h. The best combo at the beginning is Burnin and Pyra spread out sentry ward and open area, Blaze spread out ghost, that way, in less than 5 minutes, you will know all the ents place. Blaze might want to give 100 gold for Burnin when the game start to buy Manual of Health or to buy Crystal Ball. In 10 minutes, ent would have trapper, so move quickly and be prepared.

By now, you must have a big question on your head. Who would win the game between 3 super-COPs against 9 super-ENT. As we tried out this in our clan, surprisingly infernals always won the game. So is there any way for ent to win? I guess so, if the ent are all team-players. I have a theory that, if 8 super-ent play massive basic tree, and all the money goes to one rich super-ent. By the time the infernals clear their paths, this rich super-ent would have been able to deploy his advanced builder to build more massive basic tree. To make it even more interesting, in the beginning of the game split the team. While 4 ents build basic, the other 4 ents hide near middle. When the path is clear, the other 4 ents that are hiding, re-build the basic in the other direction than the infernals, that way you stuck the infernals in between the basic. Whereever the infernals go, you will know. We never done this before, because it required intense team work. However, i should think this will work.

I would like to add comment on above paragraph. It turns out, if both ent and infernal has the same level of mastery, the game would favourly win by ent. If 2 infernals with skill of 10 and 1 infernal with skill of 9, fighting with 9 ent with skill of 10 (all of the ents), definitely the ent will win. So you see, how critical the level of mastery is to the outgoing of the game. But 3 infernals with 10 level of mastery, against 9 ent with 10 level of mastery and the ent using the combination of massive basic tree and build fast, definitely the ent will win. I guess, the ball is on ent now.

Also check out our forum in the tips and trick section, there's a lot more useful readings there.

Comments: 4

The path to be a super-COP (superhero)

  • MimiHitam, guide blazenya dah ampuh

    pyra ma burnin gak ngerti >.<
  • MimiHitam, tapi gyaaaaa gw masi ga bisa caranya T_T padaal dah lakuin smua disitu. om kaddy LES PRIVATE PL Z ^_^
  • MimiHitam, prok prok prok ^0^
  • Luisa, aaaa.. gila hero. bagus bgt guidenya.
    kebagusan if i might add.

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