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clan Tree Tag Grand Master T2GM
Jokes: Co-incidence? superhero 2006-09-06

Date of birth: 18/05/1920 = 1+8+5+1+9+2=26/2=13

Date of death: 02/04/2005 = 2+4+2+5=13

Time of death: 21:37 = 2+1+3+7=13

Time as Pope: 26 years and 5 months = 2+6+5=13

Time as Pope (in days): 9301 days = 9+3+1=13

This is the 13th week of the year

The attempted assasination of the Pope was on May 13

The Pope was 85 years old = 8+5=13

13 is the number of the Virgin Mary, to whom he
dedicated his life


  • rosedragon, hidoeepp angka tiga belass.

    gw jg punya byk co-incident ama angka 13.. keq
    -tanggal lahir gw 8 mei = 8 bulan 5 = 13
    -bulan lahir gw 1985 8+5 = 13
    -no kelas serngnya dapet 31.. dibalik jd 13
    -no rumah gw yg satu lg 576 7+6 = 13
    -no telpon gw tiga digit terakhir berjumlah 13

    dll deh ;p

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