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Forum > General Discussion > Rose's Next Map Idea: Hatchling's Lunch!
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Super Infernal
Post Date: 06 Jan 2007 (13:43)

Diserang orang ga dikenal keq D*** cuma bikin gw tambah gila... Nah ini hasil kegilaan gw walau ga tau kapan gw bikin, gw masi mikir mo edit tree tag. Idenya rada liar, jd ada beberapa hal yg hmm... ampir jorok.


Eat every enemies using your mass-devour (line attack) skill and avoid being attacked by them. Make a good use of your blink skill since it had enought long delay. Gain power-ups by eating glowing animals.
Beware of BOMBS, you lose some hit points if you ate them.
Background: Arena, peoples and monsters watching from sides.
Music: Power of the Horde


*Note: Mau tambahin ide levelnya? Silahkan ^^.

Starting Life: 3 HP: 250

Warming Up: Baa Baa Wandering
Unit: sheep
beberapa wave domba dgn dmg 1.

Stage 1: Fisherman's Friends
Lv 1 : Fish foods, do you like sushies?
Unit: neutral hostile ikan, lupa namanya
dmg : 10
Speed: normal
Abilities: none

lv 2 : Moby Dicks, how they get those big 'D'?
Unit: ??
dmg : 50
Speed: very slow
Abilities: none

lv3 : Salty waters, the best seasoning ever.
Unit: water elemental
dmg : 10 ranged
Speed: normal
Abilities : none

BOSS Stage!!! Just kill the boss to pass this stage. (monster2 di stage ini spawn jg)
Boss 1: Cod for brain, it raises your IQ
Unit: ??
dmg : 30
Speed : normal
Abilities: random teleporting

When you pass one stage, your hitpoints recovered to full.

Stage 2: Bugs and bugs' enemies.
Lv 4 : Termites! Why they love lights?
Unit: locust
dmg: 5
Speed: normal
Abilities: small sized, hordes(byk)

lv 5 : Itchy spiders! They ate insects like.. YOU!
Unit: spider
dmg: 10
Speed: normal
Abilities: ensnare (tiap brp random seconds kena ensnare)

BONUS LEVEL!! Doesn't decrease your life but you are failed if something decrease your hitpoints!

Bonus 1: "All you can eat" menu!
Eat as many animals as you can! Beware of bombs! You are rewarded for how much you ate.

Lv 6 : More eight legged! They use guns now.
Unit: spider again
dmg :10 ranged
Speed: normal
Abilities: ensnare

Boss 2 : Arachpobia. ARGH! Now they are nightmare.
Unit: giant spider
dmg : 30
Speed: normal
Abilities: poison sting

Stage 3 : Feathers feathers and feathers!
Lv 7: Sexy birds, eat when they still HOT!
Unit: harpies
dmg : 10 far ranged
Speed: normal

Lv 8: Bird of Paradises, endangered species, REALLY!
Unit: dragonhawk
dmg : 30 ranged
Speed: slow

Lv 9: Sick chickens, they spreads fabolous bird fever.
Unit: green chickens
dmg : 50
Speed: very slow
Abilities: hordes

Boss 3: Wet Fat BIrd King. He loves nescafe.
Unit: big penguin
dmg : 30
Speed: normal
Abilities: land traps 50 dmgs

Stage 4 : Hoomanity.
Lv 10: A few pathetic inventors. They wastes their skills by debating your's creativities license.
Unit: peasent
dmg : 30
Speed: normal
Abilities: silent (random every X seconds silent)

Bonus 2: Need for speed, they are too fast..
Very very fast permanent power ups and bombs

Lv 11: Power abusers, your plea for justice are useless..
Unit: ??
dmg : 20
Speed: normal
Abilities: stun (random every X seconds stun)

Lv 12: Sexy, naughty, bitchy. You own their bodies, they own your money and life.
Unit: sorceres
dmg : 30, ranged
Speed: normal
Abilities: tough skin (2 hit to kills), vampire aura

Boss 4: Super Hero. He use underpants AFTER pants and fet popular.
Unit: ??
dmg : none
Speed: fast
Abilities: stomp (area slow 3 seconds +30 dmgs, stun himself for 3 seconds)

Stage 5: Last stage.
Unit: ent
dmg : --
Speed: normal
Abilities: very tough (3 hits to kill), build basic trees (1 hit to kill), and pissed off trees (1 hit to kill, throw 30 dmgs ranged)

Lv 14: Infernal stones. Burnin', pyra, and blaze
Unit: infernal
dmg : 50 slow aspd
Speed: normal
Abilities: random stunning spawn, immolation 15d/s

Lv 15: Dragons! I love them ^_^ .
Unit: 5 color dragons
dmg : ranged 30 dmgs
Speed: normal
Abilities: aura Hp regen, aura vampire, aura thorns, aura endurance, and devotion aura

Bonus 3: Demolation Revenge.. You may eat bombs now but beware of their small area explotion. You are rewarded for how much you ate.

Last Boss: RoseDragon. She is cute but vicious.
Unit: ??
dmg : 50
Speed: fast
Abilities: sleep (regen), random area burns (40 dmgs per seconds)

Ending: Ouch! You ate the map creator so now the game is ended for you... Congratz, you are the # winner!

[Edited on 06 Jan 2007 (13:46)]

My Site
Life because you enjoying life, not because you must life. Because life is a gift not a burden.
Super Ent
Post Date: 07 Jan 2007 (04:46)

D*** = doos_101 am i right?

Super Infernal
Post Date: 07 Jan 2007 (07:28)

hus mimi... :p

My Site
Life because you enjoying life, not because you must life. Because life is a gift not a burden.
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (03:53)

dah lama gak posting tp rasanya hpnya kurang gede... ampe 1000 aja kali trus maennya bunuh pake devour yg kayak shockwave??? gak bgitu ngerti

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (04:22)

ini maennya kalo smua player dlm 1 arena bukan individual hpnya jgn terlalu kecil kayak 250 paling gak beda2 aja trus bs upgrade hp, damage, ama mp. kasih pilih hero naga. trus musuh hpnya max 5000 aja kalo mau heronya kayak ini

Elder Dragon

Damage: Low
Speed: Normal
HP: Medium
MP: High
Armor: Medium


Barrier: 150mp, cooldown 1 menit(kayak frost armor)
Lvl 1- 5 armor lasts for 1 min
Lvl 2- 10 armor lasts for 1 min
Lvl 3- 13 armor lasts for 2 min
Lvl 4- 15 armor lasts for 2 min

Rain of Fire-yg biasa cuman kasi damage yg lebi kuat aja

Spirit Fury- 75mp, cooldown 30 detik raises atk damage by 15 temporarily ( lvl 1 30 detik dsb2(stiap lvl +30 detik)


Dragon Breeder

Damage: Medium
Speed: Fast
HP: High
MP: Normal
Armor: Low


Spawn Dragon Whelp(gak ada timed lifenya)

Lvl 1- Spawns a black dragon whelp dmg 5-10 armor biasa 0 mp usage 50
Lvl 2- Spawns a magic immune blue dragon whelp dmg 7-12 armor biasa 0 mp usage 65
Lvl 3- Spawns a magic immune red dragon whelp dmg 10-17 armor Fortified 1 ability: Breath of Fire mp usage 75
Lvl 4- Spawns a magic immune gold dragon whelp dmg 15-20 armor Fortified 3 ability: Kaboom! mp usage 120

Summon Lava Spawn yg biasa

Pocket Factory yg biasa

Summon Mass Dragons

Lvl 1-20 dragons with dmg 1-5
Lvl 2-23 dragons with dmg 5-8
Lvl 3-25 dragons with dmg 8-10

(kalo lvl maksimumnya lebi dr lvl 15 edit aja lebih kalo gak mau pake hero gpp suggestions^^)

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=
Super Ent
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (04:42)

klo bisa bonus stage lawan anak2 t2gm

Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:13)

wkwkwk consisting of all members dr chieftain ampe grunt

stiap 1 bonus lvl dtg stiap 3 lvl aja^^ mulai dr paling bawah gruntnya ampe chieftain.

P.S terakhirnya kalo bs bikin cinematic yah :p

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=
Super Ent
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:22)

Tagm jg lah T_T ntar si stefan gambarnya apa ya klo gw krobelus GG

Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:23)

ehm btw mimi sig elu org yg paling atas kliatannya kayak gordon frohman dr http://www.hlcomic.com/index.php?date=2005-05-01

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:25)

Ehm.. superhero arthas ato tauren chieftain aja, kan dia chief ato gak aq grunt merah, raider merah ato arthas yg jahat ;)

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=
Super Ent
Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:27)

hus itu snake duc beauregard tau


btw fs lu kasi foto asli u mo gw tampilkan >.<

Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (05:42)

suggestion aq itu cuma buat cara maen game ini maksudnya kayak pacman yah?

paan sih liat2in sig gw? pegilah, gak tau malu yah, hmm cara taro2 gambar pake html di post gimn yah? harus pake html? =_=


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Post Date: 08 Jan 2007 (07:10)

shockwave buat bunu unit. bunu unit dianggap maam.

gw berusaha nie game sesimple mungkin buat fun only gitu.

Super Infernal
Post Date: 09 Jan 2007 (19:15)

Tujuan maennya.. have fun dgn membunuh beribu-ribu monster ^^ dan bersaing sapa duluan tamat

kalo isa ngalahin rosedragon lho.. kalo liat kombinasi unit2 dgn rosedragon.. mematikan kan.. entnya asyik ngepissed off tree, infernal stone bikin stun + immolation, terus aura2nya dragons bikin MOMOK >_< setelah itu dibakar2 ama si Rose.. haha..

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Life because you enjoying life, not because you must life. Because life is a gift not a burden.
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