clan Tree Tag Grand Master T2GM
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Ada pepatah mengatakan 'Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang', so plz deh, buat yg udah saling kenal, tolong isi testimonialnya, biar keliatan seberapa jauh seh kita kenal temen-temen. Buat yang belum kenal, ayo kenalan. Buat yang masih baru, jangan ragu-ragu kenalan sama senior. Gak ada ploncoan koq (at least until now =p, ke depannya gak tau deh, tergantung chief ^_^).
Hall of Fame |
Username: Kunikumaru (T3GM - Shaman)
Name: Ada Dech...
Birthday: 10 July 1993
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: Surabaya
Hobbies and Interests: Maen Game lah
Favorite Games: Online games...
Email: kunikumaru_yaikz@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 5
- secreal, kuni itu tekun
kuni itu kuning
kuni itu unik - ZerNeS, Wiw.. NaMa Nya ZeUs o_O
OmG..!!! - MimiHitam, zeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus wkwkwkwk
- rosedragon, kuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kuniiiiiiiiiiiii kamu lucu deh.. tp gw baru liat loe aktif pas loe di fsn.. bukan di t3gm......
- Luisa, hallo zeus. wuih td gw di kasi tau sama leo nama loe zeus gak percaya aku.. *nih anak namanya keren bener* kuni i think is new to the clan ^^ tapi yang pasti dia jago dan udh byk kenalan di clan. mantep kk =)
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Username: KsatriaKOPI (FsN - Devisi TreeTag - Chieftain)
Name: Kopi Nesscaffe Icy
Birthday: 3 February 1983
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: Desa Kopi
Hobbies and Interests: minum kopi bersama wanita cantik nan bahenol
Favorite Games: warcraft, diablo, n titan quest
Email: ksatriakopi@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 17
- secreal, Kopi pa kabar, masi marah gk ama wa
T_T ...
Kopi orangnya jago bgt
tapi kalo marah, dunia tree tag bisa gempa bumi - ZerNeS, LiHatLah MuKaNya.. Yg LuGu.. SepErTi Ank Kcl...
Di baLik SeMua ItHu TerNyaTa.. KoPi Org TerBeJaD Yg perNah Gwe Tw >.<!!
KeeP oUt..!! He VeRy DaNgerOuS..!! - [T]hunder, Jujur aja Kopi yang ngajarin gw maen 3Tag sampe bisa jadi gini... 1x ngajarin gw coba ikutin sampe skrg jadinya bener2 jadi... btw thx untuk lu karena waktu itu pernah ngajarin gw.. moga2 tambah semangat lagi kalo maen 3 Tag
- MimiHitam, kopi = seabird
kopi hobi nari ujan -_- - [Hana], Hai ^_^
- rosedragon, do you SEE BIRD? I SEE BIRD here...
Dasar tukang robek-robek ent.. - rosedragon, kopi GILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Ati2 kalo dia jd ent terus infernalnya payah, dia jd musuh dalam selimut =_= hik hik duit gw abissssss krn dibunu dia huwaaaaaaa huwaaaaa huwaaaaaaa baru jg bikin barak hik hik.........
Kopiiiiiiiiiii yg ganteng (tp ndud) mana dunk gambar buaya bersayapnya hehehe.......
Kopi baek en 'down to the earth' palingan kadang klo kesal kata2nya dia bisa nucuk hahah. Dan sebuah game ias bikin mood dia minus atopun plus ;p - ForgottenLand, Kopi ent terjago gw pernah liat... selain hero seh ama monita tape kolo kopi ent gila ampe BT nangepnya! kopi maen burnin sangar dan ganas kopi ent dan infer plg jago g prnh liat.
- Soulrain, kalo maen ent copnya KsatriaKopi... cape !! , kalo maen cop ent-nya KsatriaKopi... cape jg !! skillnya manteb coy ! keep it up..
- Luisa, KOPII aku sangat kecewa hiks.............
- KsatriaKOPI, ahahahah iya nehh ^^ g sering liat2 site ini, g juga dah maen dari jaman jadul...(tapi koq g nga jadi2 dewa juga ya? zzzzzzzz) hhahhaah treetag orang2nya regenerasi teruss..... g aja nga nyangka kalo 3tag bakal jadi banyak clannya....g juga iseng2 maennya tau2 ketagihan dehh zzzz ohh plzz... oo yaa... chief nya FsN baru diooper ke g dari bos gaming >O< tambah ancur dehh....(kalo ketauan anggota FusioN yg laen bisa di smackdown nehh...ampun...)
- Luisa, Yap seneng deh ada yg aktif. bukan cuman founder dan gw *formalitas doang* hahaha. kiddin x)
- superhero, wah kopi jadi aktif neh di web ^_^ i've been following ur tracks, it seems lo udah maen 3tag sejak jaman dahoeloe kala yah? Tp koq baru maen sama kita, belakangan ini. Kemana aja selama ini? Gua even blm pernah maen sama nessaj dkk.
- ChoCho, kopiiiiiiiiiii........keren abis kaw maen 3tagnya gegehhhh
- ShurTuGal_xXx, alow Coffee-freak I wanna order A cup o' espresso w/o cream...
- superhero, weks, keduluan Luisa ^_^ what can i say, skillnya bo jadi burnin jago abiz. Maen lawan kopi bisa deg2an hahaha... dan gak cuman itu, doi juga super-ent. Iya, sama mulai dkt ma kopi pas clan war, seru neh, lebih sering clan war yah kopi. btw, chieftain clan lo sapa?
- Luisa, Kopi. jujur aja you suprised me. gak pernah main sama kopi sampe saat2 clan war pertama ^^
dan skillnya bisa buat org ngotot triak mh gak peduli replay =)
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Username: PrajuritLELE (FsN - Shaman)
Name: zard_leonhart
Birthday: 21 November 1984
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: KampungLele
Hobbies and Interests: Makan Lele
Favorite Games: tamagochi lele
Email: zard_leonhart@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 5
- MimiHitam, weleh 1 lagi org aneh ini ! suka ngilang
tiba2...trus mentalnya .... gampang
banget dibikin down zzzzzzz gmn ni
ki !...trus ga tau malu masa tiap abis
maen wc3 minta dianterin pulang...org
nya terlalu rendah diri padahal gak
begitu sebenernya....ampon kk ior
dari eric-kohee
wkkw jati diri anda ketauan
brarti kopi seratus persen seabird (rose bilang) - rosedragon, haha... setelah meneliti testimony di fs loe... jati diri loe yg dahulu terbukti tuh ^_^
- rosedragon, lele dombrettttttttttttttttttttttttttt. mau dunk pecel lelenyaaaaaaaaaa.
Kompak amat ama kopi, homoannya ya? - superhero, yaya... kopi dan lele jadi duet yg mematikan. btw, satu lagi mana, rajabuta yah? jrg sekali keliatan. add foto donk, apakah muke lo spt lele, spt chief kita yg muke ent? hehehe...just kidding, jgn marah ya...
- Luisa, hore akhirnya lele juga sign up. gw fans beratnya lele sama kopi nih. kompak abis. sayangnya blum pernah main infernal sama u be2. so i still dont know how u do it >.< kapan2 ajarin yak =) masi byk belajar nih.
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Username: secreal (T2GM - Shaman)
Name: Hendry Hendratno
Birthday: 17 December 1988
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: bogor
Hobbies and Interests: maen
Favorite Games: smua game
Email: curious_kidimoet@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 3
- secreal, hai...
zzz disini kyk friendster ajha - rosedragon, secreal + paula = deadly infernals =_= makjang gw mate lg..
- Soulrain, secreaiiiii... ,alowww apa kabar ?? secreai.. dia itu orangnya nice , friendly , etc... sering bgt gw maen ama dia jd pol barengan udh , ent barengan udh .. skill pyra u jg makin hari makin perfect ! keep it up bro !
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Username: ~Mr_RaNdOoM~ (NO CLAN(SECRET) - Founder)
Birthday: 1 January 1
Zodiac: Gemini
Location: HELL
Favorite Games: HELL
Email: omggaygaygay@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 1
- superhero, Whadehell is dis? No more junk plz, otherwise gua delete ..
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Username: Zazalamel (TAGM - Shaman)
Name: abcdefg
Birthday: 31 May 1990
Zodiac: Gemini
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: www.idnya_yosef@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 3
- rosedragon, zazalamel..... baru ketemu akhir2 ini yach.. kita maen NOTD bareng haha.
- MimiHitam, zazalamel jago risk
sering main dota jg tu oragn
masuk tagm tapi jarang 3 tag *_* - MimiHitam, gambleng - zazalamel kakak beradik homo :p
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Username: Quota (TAGM - Shaman)
Name: Sujono Wijaya
Birthday: 19 November 1994
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: main tennis meja
Favorite Games: Dota
Email: jpn_wijaya94@hotmail.com
Testimonial: 2
- rosedragon, wah quota.. jarank maen bareng neh jd ga tau deh tulis apa. Tp krn kenal dan inget nick loe jd yah gw tulis deh :D
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Username: xenom (DOA - Shaman)
Name: vincent
Birthday: 6 February 1945
Zodiac: Gemini
Location: surabaya
Hobbies and Interests: playing computer
Favorite Games: warcraft battle net^^
Email: vincent@tempe.yahoo.com
Testimonial: 0
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Username: Soulrain (T4gm - Shaman)
Name: Steven
Birthday: 27 March 1991
Zodiac: Aries
Location: BandunK
Hobbies and Interests: Laugh*
Favorite Games: tree tag dexh
Email: soulrainz@hotmail.com
Testimonial: 0
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Username: gambleng (T2GM - Shaman)
Name: vincent adrian hartanto
Birthday: 6 May 1954
Zodiac: Gemini
Location: surabaya
Hobbies and Interests: computer
Favorite Games: tree tag ,dota,xhero
Email: vincent@memble.yahoo.com
Testimonial: 5
- RsHn789, GAMBLENGG sry yah id pro gw di band neh
- RsHn789, alow gamblenggggggg maen dbz cupu^^ wkakakakkakk
- rosedragon, haha, maen notd ama gambleng, kadang eror dia, tp berskil seh..... haha........ dudut kaw..
- RsHn789, swt........................
- MimiHitam, gambleng - zazalamel kakak beradik homo :pgambleng - zazalamel kakak beradik homo :pgambleng - zazalamel kakak beradik homo :pgambleng - zazalamel kakak beradik homo :p
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Username: Tangan_setan5 (T2GM - Shaman)
Name: taqi
Birthday: 23 October 1990
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: Condet city (jak-tim)
Hobbies and Interests: maen bsket. badminton, maen dota 3tag makan, minum,. tidur.
Favorite Games: 3 tek tek dota
Email: taqi_shahab@plasa.com
Testimonial: 9
- Tangan_setan5, knp mangnya??? cakep/ga??
- registrasi, woi foto siapa tuh cewe dipajang
- Tangan_setan5, aku kan anak baik suka menolong rajin menabung rajin skolah
- [Hana], Taqi Jng Suka Rusuh Yawh :P
Jd anak Yg Baik Donk ^^ - [Hana], Taqi Jng Suka Rusuh Yawh :P
Jd anak Yg Baik Donk ^^ - Tangan_setan5, napa kentaki2.. mau ga? gw jual ke elo cuma aja..
- MimiHitam, hwaaaa taqi kentaqi wkwkwk
- rosedragon, huwaaaaaaaa taqi kentakiiiiiiiiiiiiii. alow alow ^^
- superhero, oi tangan.. lo upload foto apa tuh, sampe ilang ?
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Username: RsHn789 (gA PNY Tq - Founder)
Name: Diego Dharmapoetra
Birthday: 22 May 1996
Zodiac: Gemini
Location: Malang
Hobbies and Interests: nonton anime, maen komp/ds, tidur, makan, dll
Favorite Games: WoW, DBZ-DOTA-FATE-3TAG, The World Ends With You, dsb
Email: rshn789diego@yahoo.co.id
Testimonial: 2
- RsHn789, rshn=roshan emang btul tp klo 789 gw yah... terserah gw id gw kok^^
- rosedragon, rshn = roshan? kenapa 789? nyaingin 234? hehehe...
"cr8 tree tag plzzzzz" rasanya gw sering liat u berkata demikian di clan ya ^^ ato temenin leo maen dbz hehe
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Username: MimiHitam (WrF - Shaman)
Name: Mimihitam
Birthday: 0 January 0
Zodiac: Aries
Location: Indonesia
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: beahbeoh@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 16
- rosedragon, mimi imut deh ^_^
- MimiHitam, kiri lah liat umur gw ga?
- bh_marshanda, yordannya yang kanan ato kiri ya...?????
- MimiHitam, YORDAN GENDUTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Monx ;p - angel_killer, alow, mimi, duh kangen aku ama pensilmu yg dicuri orang itu. . .
gimana uda ketemu??
hahhaha - MimiHitam, nda isa 1233 itu punya koko gw gw dimarain ama dia >.<
- bh_marshanda, item kaw mimi... -_-"
- 1233, mimi Monx dah ganti pass yah... kalo leh pinjem lageeee abizz 1233 sering dituduh id leave..(Mungkin karena namanya yah ngga meyakinkan)kalo leh pinjem lagi yah....
- bh_marshanda, MIMI balikin bh gwwwwww!!!!! eh kok mimi,,,
YORDAN balikin bh gwwwwww!!!
Katanya pinjem cuma 2 hariii -_-"!!!
Pokoknya BALIKIN..!!!
- superhero, bah. smp pusing sama junknya si mimi. no more junk plz
- rosedragon, swttt salah taro testi..
jah mimi si tukang flood...
tp kadang mimi lucu jg seh... cuma yah itu floodnya bikin pusinkkkkkkkk arghhhh. - rosedragon, wahhh 1233.. ama 123 sama ga?
Dulu kita suka maen tree bareng ya tp gw ga gitu inget tuh pengalamannya, sori.... skrg gw kangen ketemu u lg di tree tag ^^ - 1233, EH JANGAN SUKA ngeFLOOD dunk Bosen "n" U koq maen masuk kluar,masuk kluar,masuk kluar jadi U Perbaiki ajah Sifat U yang Maseeh Kekanak-kanakan ituw >.<
- MimiHitam, Magica De Spell
Magica and her brother/pet Poe, as seen in DuckTales.
First appearance "The Midas Touch", 1961
Created by Carl Barks
Voiced by June Foray
Background Information
Relatives Poe De Spell, Granny De Spell, Witch Child
Friends Mad Madam Mim
Rivals Scrooge McDuck
Magica De Spell is a fictional character of the Scrooge McDuck universe, a witch created by Carl Barks. She constantly steals or attempts to steal Scrooge McDuck's Number One Dime, which she believes will play a vital role in magically obtaining the same fabulous wealth of its owner.
The Sorceress first appeared in "The Midas Touch", first published in December, 1961. According to Barks, he intended to create her as another recurring antagonist for Scrooge, in addition to The Beagle Boys and Flintheart Glomgold. But in contrast to the Wicked Witch Queen of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, first released on December 21, 1937, and Witch Hazel of Trick or Treat, first released on October 10, 1952, she would not be in the image of the old hag usually associated with witches. He wanted to create a youthful and attractive Enchantress, so he took inspiration for her look from Italian actress Sophia Loren. He also wanted her to be seductive, amoral, and somewhat threatening. In a later interview, Barks identified a similar figure from the comic strips of Charles Addams as another source of inspiration for Magica, namely Morticia Addams of The Addams Family. Maleficent, the malevolent fairy from Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty, first released on January 29, 1959, has been suggested as a third source of inspiration. The latter is considered one of the most visually impressive characters appearing in Disney's films, along with Chernabog of Fantasia.
According to Barks and his successors, Magica lives on the slopes of the Vesuvius, next to Naples, Italy, where the sorceress was born in 1908. Her primary motivation is to steal Uncle Scrooge's Number One Dime and melt it in the Vesuvius into a powerful magical amulet.
She sometimes teams up with The Beagle Boys or her best friend and sometimes housemate Mad Madam Mim. She also has a raven named Ratface in the comics. Other characters closer to Magica include her grandmother, Granny De Spell, who, although claiming be one of the most powerful of witches, has been no more successful in obtaining the Number One Dime. There is also her niece, Witch Child (Séraphine Sorcerette in French, Nocina Maghetta in Italian) a mischievous little girl witch who can be a playmate and a thorn in the side of Huey, Dewey and Louie, depending on the story. Magica even has an apprentice, Samson Hex, a bungling no-hoper. There's also Rosalio, a dim-witted goose, who claims to be her fiancé. He is supported in this by Granny DeSpell, but always rejected by Magica.
Magica was also a semi-regular on the animated television show DuckTales, where she was voiced by June Foray (which, in turn, made her sound like Natasha Fatale from Rocky & Bullwinkle). According to the show, her brother is Poe De Spell, who was transformed into a raven and serves as her magical familiar — this is an obvious reference to Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven. Sometimes Magica antagonizes Donald Duck and his nephews when they are not with Scrooge. She has also antagonized Gyro Gearloose, Gladstone Gander, Daisy Duck and her nieces, Darkwing Duck and Goofy on occasion.
[edit] Her name around the world
Arabic: Sonia
Czech: Magika von Čáry
Danish: Hexia de Trick
Dutch: Zwarte Magica
German: Gundel Gaukeley
Greek: Μάτζικα ντε Σπέλ
Faroese: Huldu Trøllont
Finnish: Milla Magia
French: Miss Tick
Greek: Magika nte Spel
Icelandic: HexÃa De Trix
Indonesian: Mimi Hitam
Italian: Amelia la strega che ammalia
Latvian: Maģija Hipnotizētāja
Lithuanian: Magika Keryčia
Norwegian: Magica fra Tryll
Polish: Magika de Czar
Portuguese: Maga Patalógika (Witch Ducklogic)
Serbian: Мага Врачеви& #1115; (Maga Vračević)
Spanish: Mágica de Hechizo / Bruja Amelia (Comics)
Slovak: Čarodejnica Magika
Swedish: Magica de Hex
- 1233, MIMI hi pinjemin id dunk >.<. aku bingung ngga bisa ndaftar ke indonnya seeh ruwettt kalo situ mo ndaftarin siih gpp tapi mo minjemin juga gpp seeh ^^!
- MimiHitam, kyaaaaaa gara2 e-mail asli pasti dah ada yg tau nama asli wa T_T
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Username: 99blessing99 (Blue - Chieftain)
Name: arden
Birthday: 30 January 1985
Zodiac: Leo
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: jalan2
Favorite Games: Tree Tag
Email: arden_147@yahoo.co.id
Testimonial: 1
- rosedragon, alow encat ^^ kapan maen barenk2 lg? tp no bacot ya hahaha...
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Username: weQt0xic (T2GM - Shaman)
Name: andry ganteng skaliii
Birthday: 16 March 1988
Zodiac: Pisces
Location: surabaya besih dan hijau
Hobbies and Interests: maen game lah
Favorite Games: dota?! tree tag !!
Email: andry88k2000@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 1
- rosedragon, weq racun....
weq weq weq ^^
apakah toxic sesuai namanya suka bikin tree fighter? : ) hehehe..
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Username: RlderZJR (OP - Founder)
Name: Kevin SH
Birthday: 29 November 1992
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Padang
Hobbies and Interests: Bersantai + Dota + 3tag + Basket
Favorite Games: 3tag,D0TA,02Jam,Playstation
Email: kevin_stanley_halim@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 3
- ZerNeS, Hei KeVin.. SrG" DuH SRy YapH.. SrG di Ajk MaEn TaPi Gk BiSa TrZ T__T
NiCk Nya SuSah Di IngEt Sih..
- MimiHitam, halo kevin ^0^
- rosedragon, alow rider, yg plg suka minta cr8 treeee tagggggg dunkkkkk. cr8 hatchling dunkkkkkk. ^^
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Username: [Maw]Alberts (T3GM - Shaman)
Name: albertz gio
Birthday: 9 July 1990
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: Surabaya
Hobbies and Interests: Play OnLine
Favorite Games: 3TaG
Email: velenia_linda@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 1
- rosedragon, alberts = temennya summer yg dgn baek kasi summer id buat dipake pas summer kehack hehe.
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Username: cruss (T2GM - Chieftain)
Name: Michael (............)
Birthday: 31 January 1991
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: Jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: SwinMmiNg N GaMiNg
Favorite Games: Tree tag N dOta
Email: cruss31@hotmail.com
Testimonial: 2
- [Hana], ko cruss galaQ...
Suka marah" sendiri kl main ^^ - MimiHitam, si cruss wkwkwk
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Username: sibolga (T2GM - Shaman)
Name: sibolga
Birthday: 6 May 198
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: sibolga-Medan
Hobbies and Interests: sports especiallly basket
Favorite Games: Tree Tag & DotA
Email: yung_t4ks1@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 1
- rosedragon, alow bolga ^^ ah asyek klo maen infer barenk bolga heheheh, yukk tree tag lg!
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Username: resikokawinamamrbean (a bean! - Founder)
Name: Rowan Atkinson
Birthday: 15 January 6995
Zodiac: Capricorn
Location: London
Hobbies and Interests: Melawak
Favorite Games: mr bean
Email: information_stronghold@yahoo.com
Testimonial: 0
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