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clan Tree Tag Grand Master T2GM
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Ada pepatah mengatakan 'Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang', so plz deh, buat yg udah saling kenal, tolong isi testimonialnya, biar keliatan seberapa jauh seh kita kenal temen-temen. Buat yang belum kenal, ayo kenalan. Buat yang masih baru, jangan ragu-ragu kenalan sama senior. Gak ada ploncoan koq (at least until now =p, ke depannya gak tau deh, tergantung chief ^_^).

Other Members

Username: Guardian999 (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Victorius Andrew Mulia
Birthday: 5 May 1992
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: Jakarta Selatan
Hobbies and Interests: Food Kalo Gak Game
Favorite Games: TREE TAGG
Email: tyrano_rexx@hotmail.com

Testimonial: 2


  • Luisa, guardian anggota baru nich. anaknya gemesin deh, marah2 klo gw jd infernal. haha. jalan mu masi panjang nak, masi byk yg bisa di pelajarin skill 3tagnya. hoy yg lain klo liat guardian ajarin dikit2 ya main tagnya. dalam waktu dekat pasti bisa jago kamu ^^ nice work
  • ChoCho, guardiann.......huahauhuau gw cowo koq...lo dah tau kan hauhuauha.....guardian pokoknya enak deh diajak main hauhuauha

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Username: SeaBird (SIKSA - Peon)
Name: Burung Laut Sampah
Birthday: 25 December 3006
Zodiac: Gemini
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: elemenbiru@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 4



    Apakah ada hubungannya antara seabird dgn seseorang yg panggilannya 'bird'? haha....

    Yg pasti gw yg cuma kenal seabird di nih web jg dah ngeri liat makiannya yg kejem2 hiiiiiiiieeeeee.....
  • PrajuritLELE, wew, kita ketemu disini akhirnya.. ^^, setelah melihat "beribu-ribu" replay dan dibantai, disiksa, dicabut otaknya, digiles, diparut, diiris, disasak, dipotong-potong, diinjek-injek, di- dan lain2 (pokoknya sadis dech ini orang ^_^!) akhirnya.... penantian telah selesai...!! HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUHAUHAUAUHUHAAAA... kapan-kapan kita maen lagi yuq kk burung laut.. jas 4 fan ^.O
  • Soulrain, seabird , dulu gw pernah maen ama dia jd cop , and bejibun* omelan dikasi ke gw ^^ , tp gw salut ama dia , and gw tau lu baek >_<
  • Luisa, seabird. salah satu polisi paling jago yg gw pernah liat, walaupun komentarnya permainan mu individual bgt ^^
    hebat sih bisa menang tampa bergantung kepada teman. walaupun kadang gw binung bird. lo biasa masuk channel mana yg gak di kick gara2 caps lock =P

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Username: 1233 (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Dhio( COWOK oiii.....fotonya ajah yang cewe):p
Birthday: 19 November 1991
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: Yogyakarta
Hobbies and Interests: Makan,Tidur,"n" jgn lupa BaB
Favorite Games: 3 tag,Petakumpet,kelereng,layang2,dll
Email: Mandela@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 10


  • bh_marshanda, HOmo DEso (HODE)

  • bh_diansastro, hodeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • rosedragon, wahhh 1233.. ama 123 sama ga?

    Dulu kita suka maen tree bareng ya tp gw ga gitu inget tuh pengalamannya, sori.... skrg gw kangen ketemu u lg di tree tag ^^
  • ChoCho, gw ga percaya klo lo cw.....!!!!!!!soalnya setau gw yg cw itu Luisa onle !!
  • Luisa, jangan2 kopi pernah jatuh hati sama monita. >=)
  • KsatriaKOPI, hhm.... baunyaa nga beres nehhh.... terdeteksi karena kopi yg lage g pegang memberikan perigatan....ituu... ituu......aaaa >< jadi teringat monita...
  • Luisa, kok potonya gak nyambung sama umurnya.. 1991?
    aaa.. *curiga* gak mau di tipu kyk monita. haha
  • Luisa, swt serius cewek? *omggg*
  • 1233, ^^ waduh kalau aku cewe kenapa, mao Macarin yeah?
  • superhero, nice photo, r u really girl? or hode?

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Username: koril (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: esa
Birthday: 1 December 1989
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: ßandung
Hobbies and Interests: Ga Jauh Dari Game
Favorite Games: Dinasty Warrior Series
Email: elzz9me@plasa.com

Testimonial: 1


  • Luisa, Hello rank 1. x)
    btw kasian tuh gwa_keren. nyariin poto gw sampe2 ke forum indogamers. zz..

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Username: ChongTiPo (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Willy Nugraha
Birthday: 29 March 1989
Zodiac: Aries
Location: Tangerang
Hobbies and Interests: Playing
Favorite Games: 3tag
Email: valuewilly2002@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 2


  • ChoCho, hmmm.....what a nice girl chong ^^...Good Luck..moga2 tahan lama yee gg ^_^V !!
  • superhero, Wah, fotonya imooeeet. Btw, Chong yang di kiri itu cowo lu yah?

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Username: dOwBie (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: dutu
Birthday: 27 March 1989
Zodiac: Aries
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: n4k82x@gmail.com

Testimonial: 2


  • rosedragon, ???

    dowbie skrg maennya dota ya.. >_<

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Username: RajaButa (FsN - Grunt)
Name: eka
Birthday: 16 February 1983
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: bsd
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: pratama_ekabsd@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: Heast (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Henry Thionadi
Birthday: 16 August 1985
Zodiac: Leo
Location: Bandung
Hobbies and Interests: sport music game film
Favorite Games: Warcraft3, CS, RPG
Email: madv1s@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 2


  • rosedragon, selucu apa mie?

    hmm, rasanya gw inget samar-samar teror mengerikan pas heast jd blaze....
  • MimiHitam, muka aslina lucuuuu

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Username: [SouL]AlbertZ (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: AlbertZ Gio
Birthday: 9 July 1990
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: ZuraBaYa
Hobbies and Interests: Game OnLine
Favorite Games: Tree Tag
Email: Alberts_sisilia@yahoo.co.id

Testimonial: 2


  • angel_killer, alow bet!!

    woi MH !!!

    Manusia Hina!!

    hahaha, cm game ginian jgn di ambil hati...

    battle net hanyalah dunia maya, kamu mau ngapa2in di battle net, ga bakal hidupmu berubah...

    gw males panjang lebar... hahaha
    intinya gw mau ngomong kalo ini cm game, ga usa dibikin pusing..
    just for fun...
  • rosedragon, weks ada soul ada maw, pusink gw.

    Gw tulis yg sama deh..

    alberts itu temennya summer yg berbaik hati kasi pinjem salah satu IDnya pas summer kena hack >_<

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Username: SHHN_VENGE (T2GM - Peon)
Name: BreakHeart
Birthday: 12 September 1988
Zodiac: Virgo
Location: Jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: Main Game
Favorite Games: Dota
Email: syafarul_dayat@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: FreedSist (T2GM - Peon)
Name: Reza Yuda Aditya
Birthday: 26 November 1992
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Bandung(Base-of-Actions)
Hobbies and Interests: Anonymous
Favorite Games: Anonymous
Email: keybladerzz@yahoo.co.uk

Testimonial: 0


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Username: rosedragon (TAGM - Peon)
Name: rosiana
Birthday: 8 May 1985
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: computer, games, literatures, art, drawing, writting, day-dreaming, sleep, eat, being crazy, bitting and swallowing guys, etc
Favorite Games: now? tree tag ^^
Email: arutema@dragonhome.com

Testimonial: 14


  • bh_marshanda, gimana ya.... ya gitu deh....

    pokoknya unik, beda dari yg laennya....
    kreatif,,, unik deh pokoknya..... ;D
  • KsatriaKOPI, wahh telat kasih testimonnya.....
    ok deh selage sempet....

    about rose...
    naga jadi2an yang periang tapi sering stress juga..*nah lhoo gimana tuh... >.<!!

    tapi...sekarang dah jago 3tagnya seperti yg guep prediksi awal2 ^^ dah susah ditangkep neh sekarang ahahaha....sedikit lage kayaknya sampe taraf ent solo O_O.....

    atu lage... suka buat peta ^^, petanya ok...cuman sekale lage..gue lage malas coba2 peta baru...mybe
    nextime gue masterin hatch kale ya...kalo sanggup >.<! wahh gue baru diajarin neh buat peta ama si lele ama chichenchaser, maybe nextime kita bisa buat peta gabungan... ^_^!!

    ok keep it up..^_^
    ce ya..
    wanna coffe? ^O^

    @superhero : walahh gue nga bentak2 kale...astaga...cuman ditoel2 sedikit aja =D

  • Mang-Juhai, Rose baik bener ga sombong ramah..Ngm2 Rose, loe yg buat map hatchling tag ya??? Bagus bener rose.. Bisa buat map 3 tag muka ent nya jd Osama Bin Laden ama inf nya jd George Bush ?? Seru t hahaha
  • 1233, duh rose kayaknya bukan d wa bukan 123.... aku juga sering maen 3tag ketemu ma dia..>.<
    "n" Met jadi chief yah...
  • 1233, duh rose kayaknya bukan d wa bukan 123.... aku juga sering maen 3tag ketemu ma dia..>.<
    "n" Met jadi chief yah...
  • 1233, duh rose kayaknya bukan d wa bukan 123.... aku juga sering maen 3tag ketemu ma dia..>.<
    "n" Met jadi chief yah...
  • Luisa, LIFE can give you hundreads of reasons to cry,
    but we can give you thousands of reasons to smile.
    so keep smiling ^^

    sometimes the attention is there.
    but in emotional moments we don't see it.
    once u appreciate urself u'll come to see how much people around you care.
  • angel_killer, aloow ros...

    jus wan tu sai

    GooD LucK
  • superhero, rose udah jago skg 3tagnya... hahaha..dulu2 masih inget gua, dibentak2 sama gua, kopi, luisa. tp skg udah more than ok. udah jadi dewi 3tag bo.

    @luisa: hehehe, i know, lagian skg udah ada bbrp pemain ce (bukan maksud ngebanding2in, cuman kan kalian mahluk langka di clan ini. hahaha). Btw, kemana seh skg, jarang keliatan ..
  • ShurTuGal_xXx, Ngga kok rose gw kan cuma punya satu naga =D Duh2 males bgt gak bisa maen 3tag... gak bs nyoba huatChuinnng tag..... Aaakh....

    Rose itu orangnya kalo diliat di FS bikin gw ama si hwaaa gak bs brenti ktawa... ^ ^v

    trus oragnya baeq, sering OL, n jago Modif map!!! eh rose, kalo map melee mo diganti itu gmn? gw gak ngerti mslh trigger sama starting points...

  • Luisa, rose, org yg ceria. walaupun sepertinya byk masalah dia ga ragu2 membuka diri dan nyari solusi rame2. Asiknya kalau main sama rose tuh mood negatifnya ga berpengaruh sama org di sekitarnya, tapi klo dia semangat yg lain ikut semangat ^^
    congratz on hatchling tag, gw doyan bgt sama hatcienya. hahaha. Nice work.

    @hero: it's no competition. we're two different people.
  • sibolga, alow rose, ini dia rose makin hari makin ajgo aja main tree tag. bukan hanya main tp jg jago nge modif map...haha...salut dah buat rose walau ga kuliah tp pinter...gw aja yg anak IT msh lom ngerti apa yg rose bikin tentang modifikasi map dsb...ahahah...oh ya sori rose kita ga bs main bareng lg utk sementara. mgkn agak lama. kita bs main bareng tree tag lg thn dpn sekitar akhir januari soalnya gw mau mid test trs abis tu pulkam. di t4 asal gw ga ada game online...hiks da rose...da dulu ya sampai ketemu di hutan lg...
  • MimiHitam, di fs rose ndud :p
    ebad bisa bikin gambar di pain
    wa aja ga bisa
  • superhero, hi rose, i guess u deserve a very nice testimonial after all the long hour of making hatcling tag. it actually turned out to be quit a game. Hey guys, if u have any idea about 3tag, share it with rose, she will make your idea into another wonderful 3tag map ^_^ yap, that's another she on our clan. Luisa, u better watch out for this one, she might outshine you .. GG. Keep up the good work yo girl. also i reaaalllly like ur hatchling tag rose ^_^

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Username: [3tag]Dee_Dee (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Jourdy.margalius
Birthday: 5 December 1993
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: JAKARTA
Hobbies and Interests: BiLLiaRd,FootBall,basketball,golf,swiming,play games
Favorite Games: Tree...Tag,DOTA,sheep tag,sheep tag vs tree tag,pyramid escape,O2Jam,RanOnline
Email: Jourdy_keren@hotmail.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, dee dee kemana? koq ilang? yach ga maen tree lg dunk? ampunn dee dee jgn ngomel klo ketangkep ya haha...

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Username: kocai (T2GM - Peon)
Name: vinsensius sanjaya normansah
Birthday: 14 November 1983
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games: dahan dan batu versi warcraft
Email: v1n_sn@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • superhero, hai kocai. kocai = kocaii op?

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Username: angel_killer (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Apalah arti sebuah nama. .
Birthday: 6 February 1986
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: solo and jogja
Hobbies and Interests: Sport, all sport. . .
Favorite Games: Resident Evil (all), RPG made by squaresoft
Email: ThinkOutSideTheBox@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 4


  • MimiHitam, hi cen2 dah gak cr8 lagi? kangen nih >.<
  • superhero, ternyata angel_killer = cen-cen. iya neh, waktu jaman2 gua gak bisa cr8, mayan, bisa ikut roomnya cen-cen
  • angel_killer, hahaha, lagi ga ada kerjaan ya ros??
  • rosedragon, angel killer......... ayu dunk cr8 server tree tag. hehe, si killer ini salah satu server yg lancar ^^ juga infernal yg kompak tp dia lg senang dota neh..

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Username: Shin_X (RDM - Grunt)
Name: Wilson
Birthday: 25 June 1992
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: Jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: denger lagu
Favorite Games: maen dota, 3tag, vampire
Email: sen2_e5@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, shin X demen baca msg2 dan perhatian terhadap msg2 itu ^^ hehe..... tp kita ampir ga pernah maen barenk ya >_< ayuuuuu tree tag hehe

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Username: The_Tinker (the - Grunt)
Name: ronny
Birthday: 14 October 1984
Zodiac: Libra
Location: jogjakarta
Hobbies and Interests: foot ball
Favorite Games: 3tag
Email: rooney46@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, tinkerrrrrrrrrrrrrr, minta gudegnya dunkkkkkk...

    hiehehhe, kapan2 chating lg ya di bnet hehe.

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Username: vhastro76 (T3GM - Peon)
Name: astro van halen
Birthday: 22 February 1990
Zodiac: Pisces
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: bola,basket,maen com
Favorite Games: dota,t3gm
Email: astro_basketball6@hotmail.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, vhastro si ent, apalagi ya..... duh... pokoknya sering liat vhastro jd ent hhehehe

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Username: konyaku (- - Peon)
Name: Boni Yustin
Birthday: 23 June 1991
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: Lubuklinggau
Hobbies and Interests: Main DotA
Favorite Games: DotA
Email: boni_mtk@plasa.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, konyaku jelly ^^. penasaran liat kamu jd infernal hehehe.....

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Username: crusz (T3GM - Grunt)
Name: Michael (............)
Birthday: 31 January 1991
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: Jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: SwinMmiNg N GaMiNg
Favorite Games: Tree tag N dOta
Email: cruss_cool@yahoo.com.sg

Testimonial: 2


  • superhero, hi cruss. welcome to the clan. cruss salah satu yg sering online akhir2 ini. dan dia jg bbrp dari anak clan yg kalo maen, gak minta2 1 tim sama gua ^_^ sep cruss, asah terus skillnya yah.
  • rosedragon, Apakah daku sering liat kamu? Koq ga gitu inget ya.. tp setengah inget jd gw kasi testi ya.. mau? ^^

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Report broken link to: hendra.soesanto@gmail.com
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