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Ada pepatah mengatakan 'Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang', so plz deh, buat yg udah saling kenal, tolong isi testimonialnya, biar keliatan seberapa jauh seh kita kenal temen-temen. Buat yang belum kenal, ayo kenalan. Buat yang masih baru, jangan ragu-ragu kenalan sama senior. Gak ada ploncoan koq (at least until now =p, ke depannya gak tau deh, tergantung chief ^_^).

Other Members

Username: shaman_13_1990 (T2GM - Peon)
Name: muhammad reza samanhudi
Birthday: 4 April 1990
Zodiac: Pisces
Location: malang
Hobbies and Interests: going to the party,gaming
Favorite Games: street racing syndicate
Email: mr.shamanking@hotmail.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: FaKe_AngLe (T2GM - Peon)
Name: Ga Jelas
Birthday: 13 May 1990
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: CibinoNg UnderGround
Hobbies and Interests: FottBal LoverS
Favorite Games: Tree Tag JelaAs
Email: acuy82@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 2


  • MimiHitam, hali fake angel dah lama gak ketemu ^_^ terakhir aja dah lama
  • rosedragon, mlt_angel + angel_killer dah pernah liat barenk, kalo ditambah fake_angel gmana ya?

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Username: Epitel (T2GM - Peon)
Name: indra hadi
Birthday: 28 November 1989
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Surabaya
Hobbies and Interests: Playing -_-
Favorite Games: 3tag
Email: scav_1st_mail@yahoo.com

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Username: beyy (3kil - Peon)
Name: dendi haryadi
Birthday: 29 January 1986
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: bandungggggggggg
Hobbies and Interests: maen game dunk .... jalan jalan .... cari jodoh .....
Favorite Games: dotaaaaaaaaaa
Email: makerid_1com@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, beyyyyyyyy, bayyyyyyyyyy, beyyyyyyyyy ^^ mana gosk mana chico? haha.... enak maen ama bey, ga ada komplain hahaha..

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Username: falconzz (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Philipus
Birthday: 20 December 1991
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: Sby
Hobbies and Interests: Rhs
Favorite Games: Rhs
Email: alberts_giovani@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • rosedragon, falconzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Terakhir2 gw liat ngajak2 Leo dbz ya :D.. Tp suka ikut anak2 tree tag jg, dia cukup handal lho, ampunnnnnnn.. hehehhe.

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Username: alfz (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Mathias Alva Dewantara
Birthday: 6 May 1991
Zodiac: Aries
Location: Zolo
Hobbies and Interests: Main
Favorite Games: 3tag,dotA
Email: m_alva_d@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 2


  • superhero, wah hode yah. Fotonya ngambil dari majalah apa? GG
  • rosedragon, wah alfz, waktu itu gw kick loe dr server ya krn gw kira loe bukan anak clan... sori sori ^^

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Username: legendividual (SWT - Peon)
Name: buset nama asli
Birthday: 31 December 1987
Zodiac: Capricorn
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: tree tag
Favorite Games: tree tag
Email: testakraze@yahoo.com

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Username: ReGisTraSiJr (Blom ada CLAN - Peon)
Name: Inot THe Ganteng
Birthday: 12 February 1990
Zodiac: Aquarius
Location: Solo Tercintah
Hobbies and Interests: Main Band,basket,DOTA time
Favorite Games: DOTA,Anime,RPG(PS2)
Email: inot2nd@yahoo.co.id

Testimonial: 2


  • chrnos*, regis.jr
    Rumah lo dimana ?
    Gua kira cuman gua yang tinggal di Solo @_@
  • MimiHitam, kknya regis ya :D

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Username: bh_marshanda (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: MarshanDa Cute
Birthday: 30 June 1995
Zodiac: Cancer
Location: Jogja aja deh..
Hobbies and Interests: Ngeliatin computer nyala
Favorite Games: Halma, petak umpet
Email: all4jc172005@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 8


  • bh_marshanda, ow tau2 puri deket evo kuga kan...
  • 1233, reto Puri Ora Bozzz
    Aku wong Puri babarsari
  • 1233, walahhh Dasar wong edan..........
    aja-aja BHne MboKmu Kowe Colong Kwkwkwkwkw
  • bh_marshanda, kullo maen ten genesis niku loh, jalan monjali niku loh... kalo X-Sin sampun pindah panggon ten rumah mirota...
    sing barengan ten niki nggeh meniko da_crussbasshit
    leres mboten??

    gw jg ga ngerti ngomong apaan niy...
  • 1233, zzzz Wong Jogja Tha....... Padaaaa......
    Maen Ning Endi...?
    Kancane X-Sin ya?
  • bh_marshanda, oOo jelasssss... ^^
    daniel gituhhhh ;D
  • MimiHitam, daniel, kalem :p padaal si bh_diansastro berisik :D
  • bh_marshanda, hmmmm

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Username: bh_diansastro (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Dian Sastro Wardoyo
Birthday: 19 October 1988
Zodiac: Libra
Location: Gudeg City
Hobbies and Interests: Malu Ngomongnya^^
Favorite Games: Nexia
Email: edwardz_gamer@yahoo.co.uk

Testimonial: 6


  • 1233, kwkwkwkw............
    Bhne Nyolong Ning AmPlas ta..???
  • 1233, Iki Maneh.......
    Jogja Mana Bozzz????
    Sama Gw Jogja,
    Kalo Ketemu k4si Taw D0nk ??
  • Mang-Juhai, HOAMMMM 2 BH yg aneh...tapi asik ama loe pada..
  • bh_marshanda, biar berisik yang penting gak bersisik kayak lo... wajajajajaja..
  • MimiHitam, duet bh wkwkwkwkwk bh diansastro berisik :p
  • bh_marshanda, woeee
    bh gw balikin!!

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Username: fari_isheng (lom ada - Peon)
Name: jihad t
Birthday: 28 May 1984
Zodiac: Gemini
Location: jakarta pusat
Hobbies and Interests: komputer and bahasa
Favorite Games: dota
Email: jihad_iad@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: chrnos* (TAGM - Peon)
Name: Denny Andrianto
Birthday: 5 May 1992
Zodiac: Taurus
Location: Solo
Hobbies and Interests: Maen game
Favorite Games: Tree tag
Email: dn_angels@doramail.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: Mang-Juhai (Nwo tapi ga jelas da - Grunt)
Name: Handi Ciputra
Birthday: 15 October 1985
Zodiac: Libra
Location: Palembang
Hobbies and Interests: Foot Ball N Game
Favorite Games: All about warcraft
Email: wing_back_02@hotmail.com

Testimonial: 2


  • MimiHitam, JUHAI2 wkwkwkwkwk

  • CooL-V, RAJA BOKEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Username: blitzzone (brq2 - Grunt)
Name: stanislaus ivanovich k
Birthday: 16 January 1993
Zodiac: Scorpio
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests: maen kompie, ps, nonton film anime
Favorite Games: warcraft, o2jam, tales of the abyys, samurai warrios series, dynasty warriors series, etc
Email: ivankrishna@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 1


  • MimiHitam, ivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Username: storyoftheyear (T2GM - Peon)
Name: Agung J
Birthday: 9 August 1990
Zodiac: Leo
Location: Denpasar
Hobbies and Interests: 1st blotin orang
Favorite Games: B.Net Dota
Email: a6un6_zz@yahoo.co.id

Testimonial: 0


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Username: heaven_boyz (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Ivander Ryanto Sulaeman
Birthday: 11 December 1993
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: PadanK
Hobbies and Interests: Maen KomP,PS2,sepak bOla,baca komik,gambar,dll
Favorite Games: BanYaK
Email: heaven_boyz@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: Silumanzz (T2GM - Peon)
Name: Reza Yuda Aditya
Birthday: 26 November 1992
Zodiac: Capricorn
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: rumbler456@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 0


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Username: gadiscakwe (TAGM - Peon)
Name: karen
Birthday: 15 January 1989
Zodiac: Capricorn
Location: jakarta
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Games:
Email: rahasia_yah@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 4


  • Luisa, huahahahah
  • Tangan_setan5, hehehe..... ga ble fitnah dunk... mnrt gw si cewe
    sorry kalo sok tau!
  • bh_marshanda, cewe asli kah???
    ato hode kah???

    sry kalo nanyanya ngawur cos akhir2 ini byk hode hehehe^^

    yg jelas Lam KenaL aja.. Namanya sapa donk???
  • Tangan_setan5, duh2 jadi yang prtama2 ngasi testi.
    deg deg deg deg.... lam knal aja ,, ehem2

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Username: sios (Ajeb - Peon)
Name: kamal
Birthday: 6 January 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Location: jogjakarto
Hobbies and Interests: nonton
Favorite Games: DOTA
Email: kyo_shiromibu@plasa.com

Testimonial: 2


  • bh_marshanda, sios = kamal ????

  • bh_diansastro, kamal yang aneh

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Username: [Hana] (T2GM - Grunt)
Name: Hana
Birthday: 2 December 1993
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Location: Surga
Hobbies and Interests: main piano
Favorite Games: o2jam
Email: ZerNeSJeleQ@yahoo.com

Testimonial: 11


  • ZerNeS, Kok MailNya Keren Amit YapH ^^
    adanya HanajeleQ2yahoo.com baru BaGus ;p
    Huaaa.. Mw JemBem PiPi Mu Yg Imut.. ;D
  • bh_diansastro, IKUTAN absen TESTI AH
    dede ku kasih 1 rahasia yach
    **smua yang kasih testi loe kecuali aku smuanya udah bangkotan bau tanah. so klo lum ada co aku siap kok dampingin ^_^**

    tapi bener koq apa yang dimongin mereka u emang the mos cute gurlz in 3tag GRAND master ^)^
  • registrasi, Hana Tuit Tuit cakep de uh jadi makin sayang Ghe Ghe
    Hana Ternyata imoetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt coyyyy betul betul sesuai nama Bunga
    Oh Bungaku janganlah pernah layu tebarkanlah aroma kesejukan menyejukkan hatiku
    Puisi tuh yg diatas yok come back to hana
    hana orgnya ngambek suka ngamuk trs betul kata hero "hantu" di channel die tp tetep baek hati jago dota walaupun ga jago 3tag
  • Tangan_setan5, trs pas ga ada obeng

    kalo ga ada obeng ada nmr hp kan?

  • BaBi•Imutz, lho koq jawabnya... "capa yah?"
    mustinya "adughhh ga ada obeng nih" wkwkwkwk

    cc hana tinggal dmana?
  • BaBi•Imutz, tewe tuit tuit... ada obeng ga???
  • Tangan_setan5, nice pic
  • superhero, hai dd jelek, akhirnya regis jg setelah diminta2 sekian lama. Hm, regisnya krn diancem bakal diturunin dari shaman ato krn diminta sama vic neh? oh ya, sbg shaman kalo di canel ngobrol dong sama yg laen, jgn jadi 'hantu' penunggu canel aja ^_^ ajak juga kk lo, ayam, buat regis disini yah...

    testi.. testi.. mulai notice sama hana, karena kknya, ayam, sms gua (hm, smp skg gua gak tau dpt no hp gua dari sapa yah), yg isinya nanyain np byk anggota clan pada dikick dari T2GM tanpa pemberitahuan. Selidik punya selidik, ternyata smp skg jg belum ketemu jawabannya =ppp oh ya back to testi, kadang2 neh anak bawel, tp kadang2 helpfull. Yg jelas cara maen 3tagnya 'aneh', termasuk beli 3 bc dan infernalnya dibawa jalan2 bareng ketiga2nya (mo ngeronda hutan, takut sendirian yah, bawa pasukan 3 biji??)
  • ChoCho, hm....dah koq foto na beda jauh sih ama yg dlu u kasih liat --"

    btw...klo emank ini foto u

    u isa jadi the most beautifull girl in t2gm

    hahaha....loisa di kalahin deh :p
  • MimiHitam, wek adenya vermes toh --
  • ZerNeS, AkHirNy JaDi JuGa FoTo N DiBuat MemBer di ForuM
    N Gw JaDi Org PerTaMa TezTi...
    TerNyata dd Gw luCu...
    Hana tuh org Na LuCu,Srg bgt KerJain Org... >.<!!
    MoGa" Srg Ol y Dd Di forum ^_^
    Moga" TamBah Jago Maen DoTa Na ^_^


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Report broken link to: hendra.soesanto@gmail.com
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